Virtual & In-Person

Group Therapy

Inquire now to hear about current openings

Current schedule

In-Person Process Therapy Groups

Mixed Gender - Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, Wednesdays 4:15-5:45pm & 6-7:30pm, Thursdays 4-5:30PM, Tuesdays 4-5:30pm Marginalized Gender - Thursdays 6-7:30pm

- Majority LGBTQIA+ and Majority BIPOC groups

Online Neurodiverse Process Therapy Group

Mixed Gender Wednesdays 6-7:30pm

Online Process Therapy Groups

Mixed Gender Wednesdays 12:30-1:50pm, Wednesdays 4-5:30pm

Online Therapist Process Training Group

Mixed Gender Thursdays 11:30am-1:00pm

Groups function as a microcosm of the real world, and give us an opportunity to understand our patterns in relationship and receive valuable feedback.

Hearing from others who have dealt with similar issues can help us understand our own predicaments; and having an opportunity to tell our stories can empower us to find our voice.

Over time, group members learn they can be more fully themselves with others and gain confidence and capacity for more satisfying connections.

How does group help?


  • Gain valuable feedback from peers

  • Have your growth and successes seen and celebrated

  • Study some of your defensive strategies, and explore ways in which they serve or don’t serve you in your current life

  • Understand how and why you connect and disconnect in relationships

  • Explore what parts of yourself you keep hidden or shut down

Relationships & Communication

  • Develop a feeling of belonging

  • Create more mutual relationships

  • Gain skills to communicate your truth in a way that deepens connection

  • Develop flexible boundaries that both allow intimacy and provide necessary protection

  • Hang onto yourself even in the face of other’s needs or conflict

Emotional Regulation

  • Greater freedom to have all your emotions and chose how to use them to move towards what you want

  • Develop a stronger internal compass and voice

  • Lessen inner voices of perfectionism, self-doubt, and criticism

  • Increase ability to access and manage anger and aggression.

  • Disrupt patterns of isolating when in pain

Group Descriptions

  • As a group member you will have a chance to find healing in a diverse, safe-enough, and supportive community. Group therapy can be a uniquely powerful vehicle for working through interpersonal issues and deepening your sense of connectedness. Groups can be a transformative addition to individual therapy or an effective stand-alone treatment.

    For some folks a group of people who share some of their identities best serves the type of therapeutic work they need to do. Thus, we offer:

    • Majority BIPOC groups- the membership of this group will always be majority self-identifying BIPOC individuals

    • Majority LGBTQIA+ groups- the membership of this group will always be majority self-identifying LGBTQIA+ individuals

    • Marginalized Gender Process Group - the membership of this group will be limited to folks identifying as women, non-binary and/or trans.

    Reach out now or email to inquire about current openings in these groups

  • This space is intended for those who identify as neurodivergent (any sort of disability, condition, or mental illness that is outside the established “norm” innate or acquired.) In the broader culture many neurodivergent folks share experiences of being misunderstood and othered. The purpose of this group is to deepen your understanding of yourself and your relationship patterns. Group offers a chance to get real-time feedback about how others are perceiving you, opportunities to practice new relating more authentically, and an atmosphere of liberatory expression, acceptance, and emotional growth. Crystal Haviland will facilitate this group from a relational and parts perspective. Members will learn to understand and speak for, rather than act from, parts of themselves in the service of finding more self-compassion and more ease in external relationships.

  • Are you group curious, but not ready to commit to an ongoing group? These time-limited group therapy experiences can be a wonderful way to jumpstart your therapeutic work or explore more in-depth a particular issue that you are feeling stuck around or just try out a process group and see if it might be right for you. We will meet prior to the group to help you refine a goal for your experience.

    New Group forming for 2023 - Email or fill out the interest form to join the waitlist now

present focused, new emotional experiences

rather than relying on reporting about difficulties, group members find that patterns that play out in other relationships arise in the group and give a rich opportunity to understand themselves and the way they relate to others and impact them. Members have the opportunity to have new emotional experiences in the moment and use the group to experiment with new more authentic connected ways of being that they can then bring to other relationships in their lives.

attachment focused

our early family group and larger societal context form the template for what we expect and inevitably re-experience in group and dyadic relationships in our adult lives. We develop protective strategies that may have kept us safe, but in our present lives can also keep us feeling stuck, disconnected, or depleted. Fortunately, attachment patterns are not static, and working in a deep way we have the opportunity to experiment with new models of secure connection that affirm and include our whole selves.

the social world and identity

In a group we have a special opportunity to understand the personal as well as the collective dimensions of our lived experiences. Our psychology and relational patterns, as well as therapy group dynamics, always exist in and are influenced by larger societal contexts. Societal power dynamics and injustices, internalized oppression, and identity based socialization are part of what group members have the opportunity to understand in themselves and others and find ways to create reparative experiences around. Bay Area Group Therapy Center groups are facilitated from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and LGBTQI, poly, kink affirmative framework. Questions about what this might mean or look like? Reach out and we can talk more!

attending to the body

Sometimes our body communicates to us what can not yet be put into words. Developing a respectful relationship with our body is an important element of intimacy with ourselves and others. For a wide range of societal and personal reasons, being tuned into our somatic experience can feel out of control or unsafe or just not available. Bay Area Group Therapy Center groups utilize mindfulness, body-based interventions, and somatically informed approaches to trauma treatment to help group members increase their awareness, intimacy, and sense of safety with their emotional somatic landscape. 

 group offers

a place to belong

find out if group is right for you